Monday, February 11, 2013

Diamond in the Rough

I haven't been posting lately... largely because I don't feel that a constant posting of pessimism and failed opportunities is useful.

I found a perfect looking position... in Wilmington DE. I applied and I'm really excited. It kinda looked like "Hey Charles, if you could post your qualifications, what would they be? Oh THIS job?" We'll see how that turns out.

P.S.- Just bought a new formal suit this weekend.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Maybe I should rent a courier van?

I had a sudden phone call Monday about how my name had come across the desk of a job placement agency. I've dealt with job placement agencies before, but they said they had a particular job in mind for me that they'd like me to come in for. I ask my boss off for work (the NEXT day) and drive the two hours to DC. When I get there they let me know that the particular job I was there about was decided I wasn't a good fit for. So I guess it's still good that now my name is on file with these people, but it was 4 hours in the car for a 15 minute meeting. We'll see.

Another contact I'd been trying to reach is still impossible. I called the desk last week (hoping to leave a message), but when I left it, no one responded. Then I called back a few days later, asked for the particular person I needed (let's call him jack) and the receptionist said she'd patch me through. The phone rang a few times and finally the machine picked up "Hello, you've reached JILL. I can't answer my phone right now blah blah blah." I left a message with the effect of "I'm looking for jack, the receptionist forwarded me to this number blah blah blah" Can't you almost hear my excitement.....


Monday, January 14, 2013


So, with the thing I made earlier, I found out the hard way that you have to save it in a special format to be able to go back and edit it further later. So, now I can't get back to it to work on it some more. I'll start over and get to something else, no biggie.

Nothing exciting as far as job searching goes. I had a let down earlier this week, though. I got a phone call with a promising message (on my voicemail) After calling the number back the next morning, I found out it was these guys: . Essentially, the run you through some bogus classes to "be in business for yourself" and then you can talk to people about how to handle their money. You're not quite a financial consultant or any kind of broker, it's a dumbed down version of that and in my opinion, it's two steps up from a pyramid scam..... so... yea.... bleck.

I reached out to a job tat I had applied for... to no avail, I guess I'll send out another call this morning.

Other than that I have had no successes. Nothing I found has the right level of need/qualification. One day my ship will come....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome back everyone. After some exciting Christmas and new year time, I'm posting some more stuff. I hope anyone who is reading this is doing well in the new year.

Now, on to tacks of brass; I applied for a couple less than exciting jobs that I'm kinda qualified for, found a bunch that I'm not even close to, AND found one this morning which looks really promising. It's help desk... which is... ok, BUT it's in Annapolis! And I meet all of the requirements. I wrote up the cover letter and sent it off. Next week, I'll call the contact the site listed. =D

Fun side note, I made this:
You can click on it to see it better.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

One week until Christmas

With guests gone, parties over, and appointments met; now I can post this.

I'm going to skip all of the time I looked for positions and didn't find anything I was qualified or that didn't fit me well.

I reached out to the UPS store. I couldn't find the Human resources department, so I sent it to general "contact us", hoping that they'll take care of it well. We'll see.

As far as new opportunities, I applied for a graphics designer position with Agora LLC, a financial firm. According to them, they're kind of a big deal. Typed up a new cover letter, which I'm getting better at, I think.... Only time will tell.

I'm really hoping someone takes me on as an intern or entry-level position. Christmas is coming up, which I'm sure will only make things MORE hectic. Thanks for reading.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Extensive Application Process

So, a lot of this post is to affirm that I haven't fallen off of the Earth. past week has been kind of hectic. Monster tooth ache =[. I've been spending a lot of time looking for and calling dentists in the area. The jobs I've managed to take a look at have been way over my scope, so I didn't bother to post them.

One position that I filled out the online "interest form" is for a junior software engineer in Annapolis, so that's pretty cool. Except I don't know how you "apply" for it. I think I'd like to call them next week.

OH, duh. After a little more digging, I found the "submit resumé" option. Shouldn't be hidden ¬.¬

--Bah. More errands to run. I shall resume this later. (I'll just edit this post)--

Edit: After a lengthy process, I have managed to apply for the junior software engineer position at the ARINC office in Annapolis. Turned out to be much more difficult than I expected. What happened to a simple "Here is my resumé and cover letter"? In addition to those things, I have to fill out a summary, which essentially says all of the things I've already given them, then the standard race/gender statistics questions, which I always refuse to answer. I'm surprised I didn't have to complete one of those little competency puzzles. but it's done now and I'm off to the rest of my day.

Monday, December 3, 2012

UPS... more like ME PS

Got an email about "Doral, Inc is interested in your resume"
Turns out they're a yacht/boat manufacturer in Canada. That is less than helpful. Maybe if Donald Trump ever manages to sneak into the presidency, then I'd go elsewhere and be done with this silly country.

Other prospects include a base-level 3rd shift help-desk job in Timonium, and a "Student Services Assistant" in Arnold (Right across the Bay  Bridge). I'll think about the latter. I like helping people.

As for a position that I actually managed to fill out all of the "paper"work and red tape, UPS C++ Programmer. Also in Timonium, which isn't ideal, but UPS has great benefits, incentives, and they generally take care of their employees. Definitely not a bad place to work. We'll see how that goes.

Take care everyone! =]

Hrm... I just realized this is a public blog.... I hope no one untoward is reading this.... largely because I don't want anyone to be that bored.